Computer security
Computer Security:
Protect personal information:
To an identity thief, the personal information can offer direct access to the financial statements, credit record, and other property. Don’t respond to any email, text, or pop-up message that request personal or financial information, and don’t go to links present in the message.
Know who you’re dealing with:
There are corrupt people in the bricks and mortar world of Internet. But on internet, one can not identify a user’s reliability. It is really easy for online scammers to impersonate a legal business, so it is always important to know with whom you are doing a business. So while shopping online it is always important to do shopping from a familiar site.
Use security software that updates automatically:
Maintain the security software active and up to date. This means that the computer must be equipped with anti-virus and anti-spy ware software, and should also have a good firewall. Security software defends against the latest threats only if it is latest.
Protect passwords:
Keep the passwords in a safe place. Don’t tell anyone on the Internet, through email, or on the phone. Moreover, hackers might attempt to find the passwords to have an access to the computer. So in order to make it difficult for them one can have atleast eight characters passwords including both numbers and symbols. Another way is to never use the personal information, like name, date of birth or nearby keys on the keyboard. It is always recommended to modify the passwords often.
Back up important files:
Remember that no system is 100% protected. Therefore it is recommended that to make backup files of important files by storing them on removable drive, and store it in a secure location.
Thus computer security technology is all about logic. There is no common standard of what safety actions are. “Security” is a model that is different for every condition.
Computer security
Reviewed by Tech SD
March 17, 2019
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